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Bactericidal effect of Er:YAG laser combined with sodium hypochlorite irrigation against Enterococcus faecalis deep inside dentinal tubules in experimentally infected root canals
| X. Cheng, Chen, J. Qiu, W. He, H. Lv, T. Qu, Q. Yu, Y. Tian |
2016 |
Disinfection efficacy of photon-induced photoacoustic streaming on root canals infected with Enterococcus faecalis
| Giovanni Olivi, MD, DDS |
2014 |
Comparative Evaluation of Root Canal Dentin on Efficacy of Smear Layer Removal with Nd: YAG Laser and EDTA after Rotary Instrumentation-SEM Study
| N Reddy |
2013 |
In vitro inactivation of endodontic pathogens with Nd:YAG and Er:YAG lasers
| Nd:YAG | 2012 |
Bactericidal effects of 2.94 microns Er:YAG-laser radiation in dental root canals.
| Mehl A, Folwaczny M |
1999 |
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