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Journal of Laser Dentistry
| (학회지) | Academy of Laser Dentistry |
2012 |
Clinical Comparison of Bur- and Laser-prepared Minimally Invasive Occlusal Resin Composite Restorations: Two-year Follow-up
| AR Yazici |
2010 |
The use of the erbium yttrium aluminium garnet(2,940 nm) in a laser-assisted apicectomy procedure
| A. Reyhanian |
2008 |
Comparison between Er:YAG Laser and Conventional Technique for Root Caries Treatment in vitro
| A. Aoki |
1998 |
Postoperative discomfort after Nd:YAG laser and conventional frenectomy: comparison of both genders
| A Akpınar |
2016 |
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