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Periodontal and peri-implant wound healing following laser therapy
| Nd:YAG 외 | Akira Aoki |
2015 |
Lasers in minimally invasive periodontal and peri-implant therapy.
| 임플란트주위염 |
Mizutani K |
2016 |
Periodontal treatment with an Er:YAG laser compared to ultrasonic instrumentation: a pilot study.
| Sculean A |
2004 |
Effect of Nd:YAG Laser-Assisted Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy on Clinical Periodontal and Serum Biomarkers in Patients With and Without Coronary Artery Disease: A Short-Term Pilot Study
| Fawad Javed, BDS, PhD |
2016 |
A comparative scanning electron microscopy study between hand instrument, ultrasonic scaling and erbium doped:Yttirum aluminum garnet laser on root surface: A morphological and thermal analysis
| Mishra MK |
2013 |
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