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Er:YAG Laser Irradiation of the Microbiological Apical Biofilm
| Ângela Toshie Araki |
2006 |
Apicoectomy Using Er:YAG Laser in Association with Microscope: A Comparative Retrospective Investigation
| Markus Lietzau, DDS |
2013 |
Apicoectomies with the erbium laser: a complementary technique for retrograde endodontic treatment.
| Angiero F |
2011 |
Er:YAG Laser for Surgical Crown Lengthening: A 6-Month Clinical Study.
| (임상시험) | Chen CK |
2017 |
Er:YAG Laser-Assisted Flapless Esthetic Crown Lengthening
| (증례보고) | Walid Altayeb, DDS, MDS, PhD |
2015 |
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