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Healing of intrabony defects following surgical treatment with or without an Er:YAG laser A pilot study
| (임상시험) | Sculean A |
2004 |
Gingival tissue healing following Er:YAG laser ablation compared to electrosurgery in rats
| Masanori Sawabe |
2015 |
Gingival melanin depigmentation by Er:YAG laser: A literature review
| (문헌고찰) | Verica Pavlic |
2017 |
Evidence-based dentistry on laser paediatric dentistry: review and outlook
| 2009 |
Evaluation of the effects of Er:YAG laser and desensitizing paste containing 8% arginine and calcium carbonate, and their combinations on human dentine tubules: a scanning electron microscopic analysis.
| Tunar OL |
2014 |
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