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Treatment of gingival hyperpigmentation for esthetic purposes by Nd:YAG laser: report of 4 cases.
| Atsawasuwan P |
2000 |
Comparative evaluation of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG Laser for gingival depigmentation
| (증례보고) | Nd:YAG | Dolly Motisingh Rathod |
2013 |
Effects of the Er:YAG laser irradiation on titanium implant materials and contaminated implant abutment surfaces.
| Matsuyama T |
2003 |
Effects of the Er:YAG laser irradiation on titanium implant materials and contaminated implant abutment surfaces.
| Matsuyama T |
2003 |
Treating Peri-implantitis in a Predictable Way: Review of Literature and An Er: YAG Laser Based Case Report
| (문헌고찰) | Sahar-Helft Sharonit |
2018 |
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