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Laser therapy in peri-implantitis treatment: literature review
| (문헌고찰) | Kyung-Joong Lee |
2015 |
Innovative Regeneration Technology to Solve Peri-implantitis by Er:YAG Laser Based on the Microbiologic Diagnosis: A Case Series
| Toshiaki Yoshino, DDS, PhD |
2015 |
Bactericidal effect of the Er:YAG laser on dental implant surfaces: an in vitro study.
| Kreisler M |
2002 |
Efficacy of alternative or adjunctive measures to conventional treatment of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
| Schwarz F |
2015 |
A Review of Perimplantitis and Lasers
| (문헌고찰) | Dr. Saurabh Gupta |
2015 |
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