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Postoperative discomfort after Nd:YAG laser and conventional frenectomy: comparison of both genders
| A Akpınar |
2016 |
Diagnosis and treatment of ankyloglossia and tied maxillary fraenum in infants using Er:YAG and 1064 diode lasers.
| Kotlow L |
2011 |
Pulpal Thermal Changes following Er-YAG Laser Debonding of Ceramic Brackets
| Didem Nalbantgil |
2014 |
Er:YAG Laser Assisted Treatment of Central Odontogenic Fibroma of the Mandible
| Luis Silva Monteiro |
2015 |
Lingual frenectomy: functional evaluation and new therapeutical approach.
| Olivi G |
2012 |
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