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Er:YAG Laser for Metal and Ceramic Bracket Debonding: An In Vitro Study on Intrapulpal Temperature, SEM, and EDS Analysis
| Kinga Grzech-Les´niak |
2018 |
A Comparison of Shear Bond Strengths of Metal and Ceramic Brackets using Conventional Acid Etching Technique and Er:YAG Laser Etching
| Sogra Yassaei |
2014 |
Comparative Evaluation of Laser Etching and Acid Etching: An in vitro Study
| Varsha V Sobha |
2016 |
Er:YAG and adhesion in conservative dentistry : clinical overview.
| Fornaini C |
2013 |
Er:YAG Laser Etching of Enamel
| Ta jana Dostálová |
1998 |
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